Rhody the Aussie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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When I was sent a photo of two little Aussie puppies, my heart broke. It was like looking at what our Tenakee must have looked like as a puppy. He was our red Aussie, who died unexpectedly at six from lymphoma. These two little pups…. oh, I had to save them!
Sherrie was able to pull them from Gordon Animal Control in Georgia. She found their paperwork and learned that they were picked up in a park where they and their parents were running free. The mother appeared to be a tri-colored Australian Shepherd. The male looked like a Gordan Setter. No wonder these two are so spectacular!
Rhody and Rowdy are very similar in appearance and personality. The primary difference is that Rhody has more tan on his muzzle. I named him after the main character in a series by one of my favorite authors, Katherine Kerr. You can see many photos of Rhody is his Photo Album.
They are quite young, I estimate born around Easter. They love to wrestle and play. Rhody especially likes to be held on your lap. More than anything, I think this is an indication of how very very young they are. I’m glad we were able to save them. Now to find them each their wonderful home!
If you think that you might want to give Rhody his loving home, then please first read our Dog Tips page then review our adoption process and e-mail holly.thedogliberator@gmail.com

June 16th:
Today was Rhody’s day! Today he went home with Kurt and Lacy. When they first came to meet the puppies, they thought that they’d be adopting Fiddle, but it quickly became apparent that Rhody was their boy. He won them over with his “Rub my belly!” dance. Who can resist that??? Rody, now Koti, will be making his home in Windermere with this wonderful couple. I’m so happy!