Rip Roarin’ and Ready to Go Puppies ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
- On:

“Just came in.” That was the terse e-mail with photos attached. Blurry photos of, what?, three, four puppies? It was hard to tell. The only thing I knew for sure is that Vicki Truelove had seen them at Hall County and she said they were Aussies or Border Collie puppies and we needed to save them. Okay, who am I to argue!?! At the same time, Sherrie Ford sent me a photo of two dejected Border Collie mix puppies in Gordon county. What’s two more, I always say!
Then we had to figure out how to get them from north Georgia to central Florida. Our wonderful Anita, who adopted my Cricket, offered to bring them on her way home from Tennessee, but she already had a car full ~ she had her own four dogs, plus was dropping off Little Jack Black to his new momma, and was transporting two adult Border Collies. Vicki decided to go onto the Pilots N Paws website and e-mail pilots in the Gainesville, GA, and Orlando, Fl area. Almost immediately she received a reply from Brett, who had just signed up for the program. Turns out he lives in the same town as me! He offered to pick up the puppies on Saturday and fly them down. Wow!

Saturday, true to his work, Brett and Hugh flew the four hours north and back again, saving the puppies long long hours in the car. What a blessing! Six little puppies sat hopefully in their crates, all big eyes, wondering what was happening. After a quick romp around the terminal (everyone wanted to see them!), my husband and I loaded them up into our van and headed home. When we opened up their crates, they tumbled out and immediately began to play. It was wonderful to behold. Just that morning that had all been in cement kennel runs in kill shelters; now they were romping in the grass, full of life and joy. This is what it’s all about!
So the puppies are here and we’re just getting to know them. Raffle, Ruffle, Ripple and Riddle are about 10 weeks old. Bibbity and Bobbity are about 12 weeks old.

Raffle is a boy, the one with the most black. He has freckles on his legs, most especially the front left. His collar is blue and red. Be sure to look through his photo album.
Raffle was adopted on October 4th.

Ruffle is a girl, the smallest in the litter, with lots of freckles. She wears a yellow collar. Here is her photo album.

Ripple is a shorthaired boy with tricolored markings. Mostly black and white, he has brown points that just make you melt! He sports a green collar. Make sure you look through his photo album.
Ripple was adopted September 16th.

Riddle is a medium-haired girl, the only one in the litter of four with both this length and color fur. She wears an orange collar. She has an extensive photo album.
Riddle was adopted on September 11th.
I am fostering these puppies in Winter Park, Fl. If you think that you might want to give one of them a loving home, please first review our Dog Tips, then read our adoption process and e-mail the appropriate information at
Vicki Truelove made this video of the beginning of the puppies’ rescue:
I made this video after they arrived safely at my home:
September 11th Update:
Brett, the pilot who flew the puppies to us, sent Vicki the following note:
“Hugh and I had a great time, definitely a trip to remember. I think what you guys are doing is incredible and it felt great to be a part of it. The flight back in our little 172 was long but very pleasant, the pups slept. Well, except cricket (Ruffle), he was wrestling with his kennel mates and biting hughs finger. I thought it was awesome turning them loose in the fbo and watching the little energetic fur balls bound back to life. They’re going to warm a lot of hearts. (if the little grey and white one doesn’t have a home after too long… Well… ) ”
You can see why we consider ourselves so blessed to have such people come alongside us!
September 15th Update:
Well, it’s safe to say that the puppies are feeling pretty comfortable here! They love to play with each other and the other puppies. Waffle the Corgi/Jack Russell puppy is all about it. I made this video today; Bibbity and Bobbity aren’t in it because they were getting fixed ~ bummer!
September 16th Update:
One of the reasons that I am the primary puppy foster is that I am not only home with them all day, but I have two kids, two dogs, two cats and two birds, all of which help lead to more well rounded dogs. Ralph is my Basset/Lab mix. He is really amazing with the puppies, very nurturing and loving. All the puppies love him and swarm him like a rock star. I feel a little sorry for him sometimes because he is so low to the ground that he can’t get away from them. Patience is a virtue, and Ralph is very virtuous!
September 17th Update:
One of the joys of fostering puppies is watching them play together. Here we have Raffle, Ruffle, Waffle, Bibbity, Bobbity and Kanter horsing around in my living room, under the not-so-vigilant eyes of my Ralph and Gus. Actually, I think Ralph and Gus just egg them on!
September 18th Update:
A million dog toys and the puppies always want the one that the other has! I can’t help it ~ I just love these little ones!
September 21st Update:
Ruffle and Raffle are doing great. Ruffle was feeling under the weather for a few days and was very quite, but now she is a ball of energy. They are both quick to run up to us, to play and kiss and have a grand old time. Ruffle is actually quite a bit smaller than her brother, but they are both off the dial in cute!!!
September 29th Update:
First thing this morning Ruffle was out playing in the morning dew with Waffle. They are so funny together! Here they are, two puppies, one ball. Uh oh!!!
September 30th Update:
Raffle is so funny. He loves to sit in the blue chair, jumps up so proudly and with such skill. I wanted to get a video of his skill. It didn’t turn out quite like I expected…. lol
October 2nd Update:
The weather has finally cooled off a bit, 80s instead of 90s. We’re happy, and the puppies are happy. They were outside today playing and rolling and wrestling and having a grand old time. It just made my heart sing. It finally dawned on me that I might want to share it with you, so I grabbed my camera and shot a quick little video of pure puppy joy.

October 4th Update:
Raffle has his forever home. Chris recently held his cat in his arms as it passed away, a pain I know too well. Not ready for another feline yet, it seemed the right time for a puppy. Deciding between Raffle and Ruffle near ‘nuf did him in, but he finally decided having another “guy” around the house would be good. Watching the interactions, my husband and I knew that he had made the right choice. It’s hard to say goodbye to our puppies, but seeing them with their wonderful adopting families can’t help but put a smile on our faces! Winter Park, welcome your newest Dog Liberator puppy!
October 7th Update:

Ruffle has her forever home! Carolina and Paul have been looking for the right dog for a while. They drove up from Hollywood to meet our girl. Ruffle met them at the door, tail wagging; she KNEW they were her people!Yesterday Carolina told a co-worker that she was coming to meet a puppy. Her friend said she wished she’d known they were looking for a rescue because she would have recommended a rescue she knew: The Dog Liberator! The co-worker was Fran, who adopted my Carlisle the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel a couple of months ago! Wow!!! Ruffle can look forward to an active life with Carolina and Paul. In fact, they live just a couple of miles from a dog beach ~ I suspect it is the same one that Jenn visits with our Kantalope! Hollywood, welcome your newest Dog Liberator puppy!
One thought on “Rip Roarin’ and Ready to Go Puppies ~ Adopted”
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What a wonderful, happy story. Thanks to the pilots and Dog Liberator people!