
History:  Caught as a stray by the police in a vacant lot in an low-income housing neighborhood near the Atlanta airport. [Some residents are independent entrepreneurs in the pharmaceuticals industry.] She was apparently caught with a noose and draggged because two back toenails were ripped below the quick and her feet were scraped. Her neck had evenly spaced cut marks from a chain collar.  She was thin with the pink skin on her back showing through her thin coat, infested with fleas & worms but luckily not heartworms. The first week in foster care she would lick dew off the grass for water. [She also goes on high alert when she hears gunshots on the TV but not knocking or thunderstorms].
Her foster mom, Terri Friday, saw her among several mismatched puppies in a kennel run at Atlanta’s Fulton County Animal Control. She lay on the floor in the tightest ball possible and only moved her eyes. When attendant tried to lead her out, she froze in that position so he had to pick her up and carry her still balled up. Outside in the ‘meet n’ greet’ alley, she put her feet down but stayed curled. During he entire 10 minutes of introduction she only moved her eyes. Was she blind, deaf, paralyzed?
I manually turned her head-not paralyzed; waved hand in front of face – her eyes followed – not blind; clapped my hands – eyes flickered-not sure. The attendant carried her back in the kennel and she curled back up in the same spot. No wonder they named her ROXY – she was like a rock! No normal person would adopt a dog that unresponsive.
The next day during an outdoor visit, she moved her head. I manually moved her feet then Roxy realized it was okay to walk. She moved like a stiff robot dog but it was progress. Unfortunately she began to cough.
I tried to arrange being a foster with the shelter. More days passed but the required home visit wouldn’t come in time to save her – ROXY had kennel cough, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. She was unable to move, laying a pool of her fluids. By the time she was adopted out, she was too weak to stand much less be spayed. Fulton released her anyway, gave her an antibotic shot, and fluids under skin and carried a yellow/beige stained dog to the van.  I rode home with windows open and the kids gagging in the back seat.

Bart Stew to the Rescue…
Today, Roxy is very healthy. Â She weighs 43 pounds, she is very muscular and athletic. Â She does not get along with cats, and gets along with most dogs. Very sensitive, shy, calm, quiet, is ‘a leaner’ who asks politely for affection with her eyes. Â She has a strong prey drive outdoors and will rid your property of squirrels quickly!
You can see more photos of Roxy on Facebook!

12/09/13 Update: Roxy was adopted last week by Joe and his family from Atlanta!