Dumpster Dog? Sammy in Valdosta-pending

Gisele: One of the main peeps in our group highly recommended you which is why i contacted in the first place. After thinking it over, I think turning Sammy over as a dog liberator dog would end up best for him. I don’t mind at all to continue fostering him. Im slowly getting him to accept being a member of a pack. He does surprisingly great with puppies, it actually brings out the young dog in him.
He loves to patrol the back yard and enjoys walks around the neighborhood and im slowly getting him back to a healthy weight. But if there is a better home where he will have more human interaction I wouldn’t mind seeing him go knowing he is in great hands.
As for his back story. Sammy was found as a puppy, abandoned in a dumpster, by a local vetinarian. The doctor knew he had to save him and took him in and found him a loving home. He lived 5 happy years with that family before some unfortnante family changes forced his family to give Sammy to another family member. His last owner gave him another 4 years of spoiled only child life. Sadly she has fallen very ill and could no longer care for Sammy. If you are interested in meeting Sammy email, sobe_llama12@yahoo.comÂ
His photos can be viewed on Facebook.