Sarah Jessica Barker-Adopted!
- By: Vicki
- On:

Sarah Jessica Barker, (and no she doesn’t bark), just a fun name! Â Someone tagged me in a shelter I had never rescued from before called Rainbow City. The first thing I saw was 10mo old Sarah and her sister. They were owner surrenders. These girls were so very afraid. Â It became obvious that these girls were surrendered by a breeder. Â Sarah and her sister looked like twins, both so beautiful, beautiful coats, sweet girls. They had one more thing in common, neither girls had any white on their face, particularly a white stripe down the nose. Â Breeders find that unexceptable and dump them. She was probably a confirmation breeder. So what the heck, dump them in a kill shelter because they don’t deserve to live with out white on their face!
There were several other dogs there that caught my eye as well, so I found a phone number and called them. They have a volunteer that comes in 3 days a week and tries to get the dogs adopted! She was so nice and helpful. So, we decided we wanted both sisters, but how do we get them here….no problem, the shelter also has a volunteer that will drive them part way! Amazing!
Before the transport left we got a phone call from the shelter saying that someone wanted to adopt one of the girls, they were determined to be a good home so we said ok. Â So Miss Sarah started her journey without her sister. Â The volunteer met Steve Brooks in Douglasville, Steve and Khaz kept her overnight, then met me the next morning. Â I was not surprised at how beautiful she is. Â She had no idea what was going on but got in the car , eventually giving me a kiss. Â I met Erin who is fostering her to hand her over. Â I felt sad for her because I knew how confusing it must be to be dumped by the only home she had ever known, in a shelter, surgery, then multiple people and multiple cars, it always amazes me how resilient they are.

Erin reported that she seemed happy and was enjoying playing with her dogs. But several things she reported to me confirmed my suspicion that she was a breeders dog. Potty training was an issue and on a 10mo old it should not be. Some breeders don’t attempt potty training…… No worries, Miss Erin has been trained by a wonderful trainer…Me! 😉  So we reviewed the potty training rules and Erin went to work. Sarah learned quickly what was expected of her.
SJB is ready to be a part of a family, be loved and treasured. Â Collies are great family members. Â SJB is not high energy like other collies. Â She enjoys hanging out with the pack, chewing a bone, getting some much needed love and attention. Â She had some catching up to do but it didn’t take long.
Can you give SJB a home? One that doesn’t care she doesn’t have white on her face? Can you love her anyway? Show her she is worthy of being loved? Make her a treasured member of your family?
You can see more photos of SJB on Facebook!
If so contact

02/05/12 Update: Â Sarah was adopted by Mr. & Mrs. Gardner today, she will travel from North Port Florida in the winter and to to Canada in summer!
4 thoughts on “Sarah Jessica Barker-Adopted!”
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am very interested in Sarah J Parker — can be reached by email or phone 703-455-6327. Thank you!
Sherry – your best bet is to email to –
Good luck!
A REPUTABLE breeder doesn’t care if a collie has markings on the face (please see
A REPUTABLE breeder has a “first refusal” clause written into their sales contract – whereby if you are unable to keep the dog they have the right to be contacted first to take the dog back.
A REPUTABLE breeder WOULD NEVER put a dog into a shelter. They keep the dogs until they find their forever homes, no matter how long that takes.
A REPUTABLE breeder loves the breed, that is why they do what they do. Many breeders themselves participate in the rescue of their favored breeds.
Sadly, this poor little girl has found herself without a home of her own. I hope she finds people who appreciate and love this wonderful breed. Having a collie love your family is the most amazing experience!
Sammy, I absoulutely agree with you! There are many wonderful and reputable breeders who take great pride and love in their breed.
Unfortunately, there are many not-so-reputable ones who are only in it for the money, their dogs end up in shelters.
That’s what rescues pull out of shelters all the time.
Reputable breeders always help us find homes for these babies!
Thanks for your input!