Saying Farewell to Skye

I just received an email from Marjie, just a few minutes ago…
The beautiful Skye Wolfe, family border collie, service dog, frizbee long throw and catch winner, & all round favorite dog of the Wolfe Pack went to play frisbee with the Creator today around 12:30. She will always be in our hearts. Her vet and I think she might have had a brain cancer in the end she went downhill really fast.
I will be dogless for while while I and family recover from this sadness… then we will see who claims our heart… Someone on the smaller side…
Hugs, ~Â Marjie Wolfe

I met Skye when she was very young, I can’t even remember what year it was, maybe 2007. I adored her at first sight. She took care of her family, she was intuitive, gentle, and gorgeous. She was like my Reckless, a true heart dog. So sad to hear the news just now from Marjie. What a loss. She will always be remembered.
Although Skye was not my dog, this hurts. Marjie and I would brag about our heart dogs, our girls… our perfect girls, I hope Skye and Reckless are taking turns with the frizbee! They both had such good manners!
Good night sweet Skye  ~ gisele