The Dog Liberator™

The Dog Liberator rescues abandoned dogs throughout the Southeast. Based in Central Florida, this non-profit organization fosters all of their dogs in a home environment. Founded in 2009, all dogs are fully vetted, spayed or neutered prior to adoption. The Dog Liberator focuses in rescuing the herding breed, which consists of Border Collies, Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Aussies, Collies, and Deaf/Blind Dogs.

Spits and Spurts

You know how days can slow down to a crawl sometimes? That is how it has been for us the last couple of weeks. We are used to a pretty brisk pace, between rescuing dogs, posting on the blog, posting on our facebook, answering e-mails, arranging meets, completing adoptions and rescuing more dogs. But the last couple of weeks? Ugh! Nothing. I mean it ~ nothing!

We took in 13 dogs in the middle of the month, got them all vetted and into their foster homes, then,… nothing. No e-mails, no phone calls, hardly a comment on our facebook posts. Gisele and I were wondering if we were just talking to air!

But we have friends in other rescues and knew the were experiencing the same thing. The cause? Oh, it’s an annual occurrence: the beginning of school combined with Labor Day Weekend. The same thing happens in May: the end of school and Memorial Day Weekend. People just go into a holding pattern. They just want to get through those weeks and then they’ll consider adopting. And, yup, sure enough, we’ve had four adoptions in just the last four days.

Things are picking up again, and we are looking forward to meeting the wonderful people who will be contacting us to adopt their next family member. And our dogs? Oh, they’re pretty darn excited too! Welcome to September, everyone!!!!

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