Vote Daily for The Luckiest Pet Contest!

VOTE DAILY! Â Your Vote Counts!

One lucky pet can help our organization win a $5,000 donation, as well as a $500 gift card to Petco for themselves! Â You get to vote ONE time PER DAY! Â Please ask your friends to select their favorite, and vote for us every day!
Winter    Lilly    Bart    China    Flynn
Judge Baloo    Drew
TDL pet parents have uploaded a photo or video of their adopted pet and described why he/she is the luckiest, giving color to their life before and after adoption. Our Group name is of course, The Dog Liberator, and our shelter ID number is FL918
Voting Begins February 21st!
“M.H. Clark Go to: search for the name of the pet you are looking for. The voting period will start on February 21 and visitors can vote once a day for animals throughout the contest, with the voting period ending March 18, 2013. I am assuming that the instructions will be clearer once the voting period begins.”
You can also search for “dog liberator” instead of a dog’s name, and see all of TDL dogs in this contest!
The Links are not active yet for voting, but you can go to the site, and search for the TDL Dog’s Name!
Dale submitted Winter/Rider!Â
Dusty Gann has submitted Lilly
and Dr. Clark submitted Bart!
Sarah submitted China!
Susan submitted Flynn, (Sundance)
I submitted Judge Baloo
Judy Radzwich has already submitted her story about Drew!