From Table to Tree: Toxic Tidbits to Avoid this Holiday Season

As you know, the seasons are changing and the holidays are approaching fast. During this time we clean and decorate the house, spend hours in the kitchen cooking special meals, and let’s not forget spending as much time with our loved ones including our pets!
But in a blink of an eye, accidents happen. Your pet can get a hold of food or plants that they shouldn’t and that can lead you down a road of a very pricey vet bill, or even worse, the loss of your best friend.
In order to avoid this from happening, you should take precautions this holiday season. Knowledge is power right?
Here is a list of poisonous household plants, yard plants, and common foods to avoid giving your pets and will help you have a safer and happier holiday! Remember this list contains many, but not all of the toxic plants/foods, so check the links at the bottom of the article for more information.
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Alcohol | ||
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Aloe Vera | entire plant | Shrub |
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American Holly | Whole plant | Tree/shrub |
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American Yew | Whole plant | Tree |
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Apple | Seeds | cultivated tree |
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Apricot | pit | Cultivated tree |
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Avocado | entire plant | Fruit |
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Azaleas | entire plant | cultivated & wild shrub |
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Bird-of-Paradise | Pods | garden flower |
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Buckeye | sprouts, nuts, seeds | Tree |
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Buttercup | entire plant esp. leaves | wildflower, garden herb |
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Caffeine | ||
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Castor bean | entire plant esp. bean | house plant |
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Chocolate | Whole plant (including the mulch derived from it) and chocolate food products | Tree |
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Coffee | Beans, grounds and drinks made from them | Garden Shrub |
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Daffodil | Bulbs | garden flower |
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Daphne | bark, berries, leaves | ornamental shrub |
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Day lily | entire plant is toxic to cats | garden & wildflower |
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Dough | (raw/uncooked) | |
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Elderberry | leaves, bark, roots, buds | Tree |
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Elephant’s ear | entire plant | house plant |
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English Ivy | entire plant esp. leaves, berries | ornamental vine |
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Foxglove | Leaves | wild & garden flower |
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Garlic | entire plant | garden plant |
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Hops | Entire plant | Garden plant |
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Jimsonweed | entire plant esp. seeds | field plant |
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Macadamia Nuts | Nut | Tree |
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Manchineel Tree | sap, fruit | Tree |
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Milk vetch | entire plant | Wildflower |
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Mistletoe | Berries | house plant |
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Mushroom | entire plant | Fungi |
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Mustards | Seeds | Wildflower |
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Nicotiana (tobacco) | Leaves | garden flower |
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Oleander | Leaves | ornamental shrub |
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Onion | Entire plant | Garden plant |
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Peach | Pit | Tree |
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Persimmon | Seeds | Tree |
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Plum | Pit | Tree |
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Poinsettia | leaves, stem, flowers | house plant |
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Poison hemlock | leaves, stem, fruit | field plant |
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Potato | shoots, sprouts | garden plant |
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Raisins (grapes) | Currants (whole fruit) | Fruit |
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Rhubarb | Leaves | garden plant |
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Sago palm | entire plant esp seeds | ornamental plant |
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Skunk cabbage | entire plant esp roots, leaves | marsh plant |
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Tea | Leaves (possibly plant as well) and anything made from it (tea drink) Even Decaf tea can cause problems. | Garden plant |
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Tomatoes | Plant and fruit (less toxic as it ripens) | Garden plant |
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Xylitol (Gum) | A sweetener used in may candies, pastries, toothpastes and mouthwashes. Check ingredients to ensure there is no Xylitol! | |
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Wild black cherry | leaves, pits | Tree |
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Wild radish | Seeds | Wildflower |
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Wisteria | pods, seeds | ornamental plant |
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Yellow oleander | entire plant esp. leaves | garden plant |
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Yellow pine flax | entire plant esp. seedpods | Wildflower |
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Walnuts | The hull of the nut (technically the mold that grows on it) |
Tree |
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Often people will say “My dog ate ______ lots of times and didn’t die, so ______ doesn’t kill dogs.” But that logic is no better than “My dog runs in the street all the time and has never been hit by a car, so dogs never get hit by cars.”
Just because they survived the last time they ate something does not mean it will be the same every time, so the best plan is to avoid letting your pet have these things in any form.
Also beware that less reputable treat companies still use garlic and onion in treats. While it normally takes a significant amount to harm your pet, it is best to avoid such “treats” and instead go for a safer option.
We hope your holidays will be safe and full of love & memories!
Special thanks to Sally Jefferson for this amazing article and resource!
If you would like read more about poisonous foods and plants to your pets here are some links that will give you further information!
ASPCA: A Large list of toxic plants (longer than this one)
The Humane Society: Foods that can be poisonous to pets
ASPCA: Foods that are Hazardous to Dogs
Pet Education: Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog
Earth Clinic: Poisonous Plants
Pet Poison Hotline: List of Poisons
Cesar’s Way: Garden dangers for dogs: Common plants that can kill