Yankee Candles Donates to our Rescue!

Just Enter our Group ID, 990055884
I love them, don’t you?  Ozzie prefers the pine scented candles!  If you love Yankee candles, now you can purchase them from their online store, and help out!  Yankee Candles donates 40% of our sales profit to TDL’s Veterinary Care Fund!  Click Today! Here are more details:
Dear Family, Friends and Supporters of  The Dog Liberator;
Wouldn’t it be great if 40% of the price you paid for your favorite products went directly to The Dog Liberator? Of course it would! Which is why I’m so excited to introduce a new program with Yankee Candle.   No collection of monies, no distribution of products and no missing and/or damaged issues.

Here’s how it works:
You can now order Yankee Candle products on-line–delivered directly to your home or sent as a gift to your friends and family–for the exact same price that you would pay in a Yankee Candle store.
The Dog Liberator will get 40 % rebate on all products purchased. It’s that simple.
From today through the Holiday season Don’t wait seasonal items now available
These much needed funds will assist and supplement our budget.
To get started, simply click here or go to www.yankeecandlefundraising.com,  In the Start Shopping Box, insert our group number (990055884).  You will be on your way to supporting The Dog Liberator.   Start shopping and share this number with friends and family.

Thank you for your continued support.
Woo Hoo and all the Best!
The Dog Liberator