PawPaw the Borsky Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
- On:

I don’t know what we would do without Vicki Truelove. She is our go-to person for rescuing dogs in the north Georgia area. She finds them, contacts us, and then networks with others to pull and foster them until we can arrange transportation to us. More often than not, she fosters them herself. In the case of PawPaw, she did it all! She sent me his photo taken at Gordon County Animal Control. He reminded me so much of my little Moses, and the idea of him there all alone… oh, I couldn’t stand it. So, the next day, Vicki was pulling him out. She fostered him and then drove him all the way to my home! Wow!

PawPaw is simply great! He is chocked full of personality, with a can-do attitude! He fell in love with Vicki’s horses and was always trying to lick them. He and Polka Dot love to play and dash around on imaginary adventures. While at Vicki’s he demonstrated that he was housetrained (that gets Vicki a big thank you from me!). What’s not to love in this puppy!?!
PawPaw is such a little character that I can’t help but take lots of photos of him that you can see in his photo album.
I am fostering PawPaw in Winter Park. If you think you might be interested in adopting him, please first read our page on Starting Your Dog Off Right, then review our Adoption Process and e-mail me at

August 8th Update:
Vicki, who fostered and drove PawPaw to me, just dropped by to say goodbye on her way home. She was so sad to say goodbye to PawPaw. He didn’t help one bit by looking at her and giving her a pathetic bark. Really, PawPaw? You had to make her feel worse? I hugged Vicki and reminded that her that we can’t keep them all, that we have to let them go so that we can save more. And, of course, I assured her that our adopters are the most wonderful people in the world and that PawPaw will have a fabulous home. Meanwhile, PawPaw kept looking at her, giving that pathetic bark. He wasn’t helping at all! Be warned, if you come meet him, he’s going to win your heart!
Here’s a bonus video for you. All the puppies were outside playing this morning and I, of course, had my camera in my hand. Here they are enjoy the morning together. Adorable!
August 9th Update:
PawPaw is jut too smart for the room! He was scampering around the living room today just getting into mischief! At one point he had a rope toy wrapped around a dining room chair and was dragging the chair across the room! Really? Really! What a nut! He is irresistible!
August 12th Update:
What a fabulous puppy our PawPaw is! He is so smart. He already goes after a Frisbee and ball. He jumps in my lap and gives me kisses. He talks to me as if we’re having a real conversation. He is great with my cats. He is fabulous!
PawPaw is not amused by this August heat. He and some of the other puppies had fun playing with a block of ice.
August 16th Update:
Yes, I know it was a million degrees outside today, but I decided to get out the agility tunnel any way and introduce Banjo and PawPaw to it. After all, I figured that it would take a few days to get them comfortable with it. Silly me! They did great. PawPaw not only is great at the tunnel but will return the ball to me to throw again! Smart boy!!!

August 25th Update:
PawPaw is home. And home is where the heart is. In this case, that is back with Vicki Truelove, the woman who originally pulled him from the shelter!
Vicki drove him to me at the beginning of the month, but hasn’t been able to get him off of her mind. When she was headed back home to north Georgia, she stopped by and visited for a while. As she headed out the door, she said, “I really want to take PawPaw with me.” I told her not to be silly, that I’d find him a great home. Her eyes filled with tears; PawPaw wasn’t helping the situation by barking repetitively to her. Really? You’ve got to be kidding!

Vicki and I are always in contact. Every few days she’d ask how he was doing. “He’s fine. Doing great. I’ll find him a wonderful home.” Finally, on Sunday she e-mailed me again, “I really think I want PawPaw.” *sigh* What could I say? I could ask for no better home than Vicki’s. Hundreds of dogs have gone through her home but she has never had one pull on her heart like this.
Knowing that Anita was driving from south Florida to Tennessee this week, I called her and asked if she’d mine detouring a bit to drop off a package. Anita is always up for an adventure, so the answer was a quick yes! Last night she stopped by and picked up our boy. They spent the night in a hotel on the Florida/Georgia line, posting a video of their great adventures (heaven help us!).

This afternoon Anita arrived at Vicki’s. She told me that as her daughter Madison was getting PawPaw out of the car, Vicki stepped out onto her porch. When PawPaw saw her, “he turned himself inside out with joy!” If I had any doubts at all, the vanished in that moment. This was the home that he was meant to have. This is Vicki’s puppy. None of us knew it a few weeks ago, but now it is crystal clear. PawPaw is home. And I couldn’t be happier!
2 thoughts on “PawPaw the Borsky Puppy ~ Adopted”
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What a beautiful story! Loved the pictures too! He deserved to be loved and I am sure he will give you many years of love and devotion . . .