- By: Sarah White-Buxbaum
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Abby is a 9 year old female/spayed border collie who has been around the block and is looking for her forever home. She has been with her foster for a few weeks now and has been determined with the right combination she’d be more than content. As a little background Abby was originally a farm dog and relocated in her later years from a large property to suburban life.
There were many changes that occurred that ultimately her previous owners felt that selfishness set aside, the struggles she had to personally face, rehoming was safest for her. Abby is currently residing with 3 other female dogs and a male indoor/outdoor cat and they get along just fine. As an older girl, Abby is definitely set in her ways, but is willing to make adjustments if need be. Feeding time and food in general are no issues in her fosters home. She LOVES to play ball and interact with you as much as possible. She does not jump or sleep on furniture. She does not touch things that are not hers to play with (I.e. Shoes, clothing, trash, etc.).
She does have some medical concerns (possible seizures), but with her veterinary history it is uncertain at this time. She does not do storms well and prefers to be with you. She is completely house trained and crate trained. Abby, ultimately, if she had to be described in a few words: For an old lady, she is very spry. Abby is a determined (needs some minor reminder, yet understanding pup and she deserves a loving forever home.
Abby would do best in a home with older kids, neutral personality dogs (no young dogs or super playful dogs), cats are okay if they are known to like dogs. We would love someone who understands the determination of border collies or other breeds of dogs with similar levels of determination.