Bimmer the Collie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Bimmer is a smooth-coat Collie (Lassie with shorter hair), born some time in May. I think he may have some Border Collie in him as well. He kind of looks like someone sat down to make a Collie, starting at the tail but by the time they got to the head, ran out of material and slapped a Border Collie nose on him instead! We found him at a shelter in north Georgia, not a near distance by any means. Fortunately for us and for Bimmer, Amy Benz had a vacation planned in Atlanta and generously offered to transport down any dogs we pulled. (Yes, we totally abused that offer. She’ll think twice next time! lol ) So Bimmer and several other dogs made the long haul from Atlanta to Ocala with Amy, and then Ocala to my home with Sarah Buxbaum. By the time they arrived, the puppies acted like they were long lost friends!

Bimmer is, of course, charming. He rates the nickname for a BMW! Very playful, he loves to wrestle with the other puppies.  He has the prettiest markings around his eyes, making the look like he’s been playing in soot. Reminds me of a chimney sweep!  He hasn’t been very yippy, something that I am somewhat cautious of in Collies. And that, of course, makes me very happy! I’ll post more about him as we get to know each other. And you know I’ll be adding more photos to his photo abum.
I am fostering Bimmer in Winter Park. If you think you might be interested in giving him a forever home, please first read our article on Starting Your Dog Off Right,then review our Adoption Process and e-mail the requested information at
August 8th Update:
I can tell that Bimmer is feeling more relaxed because I am able to get good photos of him. Like a lot of my puppies, when he first arrived he would dart around and hold his ears and head in a manner that let me know he was nervous. Now, he’s all play! All the puppies were outside this morning and I, of course, had my camera in my hand. I’ve added lots of photos to his album plus made this video.
August 12th Update:
I just love Bimmer so much. I think that he didn’t get the attention that he wanted when he was in his first home because now he really wants to be a lap dog. When I sit with the puppies in the yard, he always comes right over and clambers up into my lap. From there he happily licks my chin and makes me feel like the most wonderful person in the whole wide world!

August 13th Update:
Bimmer has gone home. Bill and Laura had come to meet Turtle, but when Bill saw Bimmer, he flashed back to the collies with whom he grew up. He was really torn. Turtle was a great dog and loved the kids, but Bimmer was gret too. What to do? The solution became apparent: adopt both! So Bimmer, who was in a kill shelter less than 10 days ago now has a big wonderful family:  Laura and Bill, their children Alexis, Austin, Anna and Alivia, AND Turtle! So, St. Augustine, you get to welcome TWO Dog Liberator puppies! Happy Day