Malibu, the Golden BC Pup ~ Adopted
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My new foster, Malibu, is a golden boy in more ways than one!
First off, we believe him to be a Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix. He has the long, lean build of a Border Collie with the coloring of a Golden Retriever. His coat is a golden reddish brown with a kiss of white on the chest, feet, and tail tip.

Secondly, we think Malibu’s just as good as gold, personality-wise, especially for a youngster newly sprung from the shelter! He’s friendly and playful with both people and other dogs. Malibu is just energetic enough to be fun, but not over-the-top in any way. Intelligent and eager to please, he sits on command and waits patiently when told to “stay.” He is very food motivated and just loves his “cookies.” Malibu also does well in his crate, especially when he has a yummy frozen beef marrow bone to occupy his time. He walks pretty well on a leash, but we’re working on doing even better. This boy is smart, so I know it won’t take long.
Oh, and did I mention Malibu’s a talker? It’s the funniest thing: He’ll sit outside the sliding glass door and “talk” to me in a series of grunts, whines, and grumbles. He’s not barking — I honestly believe he thinks he’s telling me to let him in! lol

Now for the particulars: Malibu is 10 months old and weighs approximately 30 lbs. We anticipate that he’ll grow a little more and fill out some, probably finishing up at around 35 lbs. or so. He has been fully vetted, neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. All that’s missing is the loving forever home that has yet to find him!
Malibu is being fostered at my home in the Ocala area. To view additional photos, visit his Facebook photo album. If you think you may be interested in adopting Malibu, please review our Adoption Process and e-mail me at

Nov. 16, 2011: Guess who likes to go biking? Okay, so he doesn’t actually “bike” per se, but Malibu loves to run alongside while you pedal. I imagine he’d be a great running or jogging partner. He’s also great with kids. We went to the local park in the hopes of getting some cool photos on the playground. Unfortunately, tonight the park was hosting the local kids’ soccer league, so we didn’t really get any photos. But we did meet lots of children and Malibu loved them! Suffice it to say that our boy would do well in any family, no matter what its composition. Yay!
Nov. 20, 2011:ADOPTED! Malibu just left with the wonderful Dan and Joan DeRango and their daughter, Raleigh, and I couldn’t be happier! Unfortunately, my camera was not cooperative today and all the photos I took are completely washed out. Not to worry, though: Raleigh had her iPhone on hand and promised to e-mail the photos she took with it. Maitland, welcome your newest Dog Liberator dog!