
Sadie is a purebred Border Collie bred in the Florida Panhandle in 2009. She turned 3 years old this past December, was spayed in early 2012, and is up to date on all her shots. She is housebroken, crate trained, knows all the basic commands, and has no obsessions.
When Sadie was about 18 months old, Chase came into her life, and became her true love! Chase and Sadie play constantly, and have never had a skirmish; Chase respects Sadie very much.
In TDL’s history we have sometimes hoped that dogs did get adopted together, and when it happened, we were thrilled. Dogs like Niles & Frasier Crane, The Spice Girls, Doc Holiday & Wyatt Earp, Suki & Saki, Camry & Prius, and even Rawhide got to go home with his own puppy.

If we don’t ask, they will never have that opportunity, and we don’t want to close the door on the chance that maybe, just maybe, there is someone out there that really wants two dogs, but wants two dogs that are guaranteed to get along… well, here’s your chance!
While we know that asking for two dogs to be adopted together is asking a lot, we also recognize what’s best for the dogs; they would prefer to be together if possible. Sadie and Chase have been separated over the past few weeks, and it’s obvious that Chase misses her. (Read more about Chase on his own page).
If you can’t decide if you want a black and white Border Collie or a Tri-color, problem solved!
About Sadie: Though very active with obedience classes, playing Frisbee, and some “no jump” agility classes during her first year, it was obvious her passion was sheep herding. In the fall of 2010 Sadie was introduced to sheep and showed great interest from the very beginning.
She received her first Herding Test Title Certificate in April 2011 earning her PT in her first trial weekend. Later that same year she earned her next title in consecutive trial weekends one month apart. That first weekend she earned a 3rd Place ribbon on Saturday and a 1st Place ribbon with Reserve High in Trial on Sunday. In her second trial weekend she received 2nd place and 4th place ribbons, and finished her HSAs title.

Sadie is AKC registered and also has her CGC Title, also done in 2011. She loves human interaction and is great with children. She plays well with other dogs but expects others to have good manners and isn’t afraid to correct bad manners, after all, she raised Chase!
If you have been looking to adopt, and would prefer to have two dogs, here’s your chance to have the perfect pair!
More photos of Sadie can be seen on Facebook.
Much to the surprise of many people, we do not use an adoption application but rely instead upon an interview process. Because we are a small rescue and keep all of our dogs in foster homes, we shy away from forms that tend to emphasis why someone should not have a dog. The interview process allows us to learn more about our potential adopters and their individual situations, concerns, pros and cons.

By knowing more details, we are able to place dogs into homes that other rescues might turn down, because we already know our dogs. We’re small so we don’t need blanket policies that require fences or disallow families with small children or won’t allow senior citizens. We’re focused on bringing together caring people with the right dog.
Whether you are considering an adult dog or a puppy, the first thing you should do is read our article on Starting Your Dog Out Right. Here you will find not only some good tips but some thoughts to ponder before committing to the responsibilities of caring for a dog.
If you are interested in meeting one of our dogs or learning more about it, please e-mail us and let’s get the process going! Share such information as:
where you live,

your household composition,
your yard/fence/exercise plan,
pets you have and/or had,
your normal work schedule,
how much time the dog will be alone,
what you are looking for in a dog,
do you have a pool
what contingency plans do you have in place should you no longer be able to care for your dog and,

if you rent, do you have landlord approval,
and are you prepared to bring your new dog home if you are approved during your meet?
have you or anyone in your family ever been bitten or traumatized by a dog in the past?
also, provide us with your phone number, home address, including county and zip code
and then we’ll go from there! The more you share the better!
See more of our available dogs on petfinder

Join us on Facebook to get the latest updates on our rescued dogs
If you have any questions about our adoption fees, please read our adoption fee blog.
Here’s an email I received this morning about other rescues’ adoption applications:
Dear Gisele,
Thanks so much for the wonderful site and information you have. My wife and I have been looking for a dog for a few months now to join our family. To say the least it has been a discouraging process. The only places I have looked are and the local pound.

Well, at the local pound you just never know what kind of dog, temperament, and so on you will get. With the adoption groups on petfinder I’ve found that the process has been more of an interrogation than an application. I love what you wrote on your web site when you said: We’re focused on bringing together caring people with the right dog. Thanks for a breath of fresh air. You seem very reasonable and don’t have a laundry list of questions like, “who will brush the dog in the family and how ofter?” No kidding, that was one of the questions on an application I started to fill out as I shook my head in disbelief. ~John