Tux, the Working Border Collie ~ ADOPTED

Tux is a 5-7yo working Border Collie from north Georgia. An owner-surrender to Gordon County AC, Tux belonged to a farmer and his son, who used him to work their family farm. When the son moved away, he left Tux under the care of his father, thinking that he would be in good hands. Clearly, this was a poor decision, as Dad decided he didn’t “like the way Tux worked with the other dogs”, and dumped him at the shelter. I guess that’s farm language for “he hogs all the sheep”, because Tux aores other dogs, and has the most gentle of souls. He is eager to please, and simply put, starved for love.
Gisele wonders if Tux originated from the same farm that Doc Holiday and Wyatt Earp came from, as these two boys were in avery similar situation.
But wherever he came from, it is very clear to me that Tux has spent his entire life on the outside looking in. When he first arrived, he was so matted that there were literally 6inch dreadlocks hanging from the sides of his face! His hair was knotted; coming out in clumps. I took a brush to him immediately, and spent the next two hours tediously untangling the knots as he laid with his head in my lap. I don’t know if he’d ever seen a brush until that day, but he took all my plucking and trimming in stride.
Today Vicki and I spent another great length of time detangling and combing through more of his coat; scrubbing and trimming as he needed. I wish I had the forethought to take before and after photos, because you wouldn’t believe your eyes! A new dog has emerged, though he is unsure of himself when indoors, having known nothing of life but the outdoors and the grime. Tux doesn’t need to worry any longer, though–TDL can accept him for the dog he is. There are no sheep at casa de Khaz, but I hope he finds that pillows, love, and affection are a good enough substitute. Little by little he is revealing himself to me… I cannot wait to watch him blossom into the beautiful dog he is on the inside!
See more of his photos on Facebook.
If you have any interest in Tux, please email me at khaz.thedogliberator@gmail.com!