Flipper the Border Collie Puppy ~ Adopted
- By: The Dog Liberator
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Flipper is one of a litter of five Border Collie puppies born in mid-March that we rescued from Gordon County Animal Control. They were surrendered to the shelter one hour before we pulled three other puppies for a transport, so we were able to add them at the last minute. If they had come in a short while later, we would not have gotten them and their chances of making it out alive would have been remote at best.
Flipper is the only boy in the group. Like his sister Flapper, he is a rough coat, with longer fur. He has lovely markings, with a kiss of white on his forehead. He has not shown himself to be hyper energy (thank goodness) but does seem very intelligent.

Flipper is being fostered in Winter Park. You can enjoy many photos of him in his photo album. If you think that you might want to give him a forever home, please first review our Dog Tips page and then read our Adoption Process and e-mail holly.thedogliberator@gmail.com
June 11th Update:

Flipper has developed the Border Collie “eye”: he puts his head low, locks on his eyes, creeps forward slowly, then dashes after his target ~ usually a littermate!
Today Courtney came to play. She is the young lady who drove this litter from Atlanta to my home. We had such a nice afternoon, talking and rubbing puppy bellies! At one point she decided to see if the puppies would like to play with a rope toy. The answer was an unqualified “YES!”
June 14th Update:

Flipper is doing great. He was sick when he first arrived and I was pretty worried about him. But he has recovered fully and is having a grand old time. I attribute some of his recovery to the homemade food to which I have switched the puppies. Andi Brown, who adopted our Jangle, gave me copy of her book, The Whole Pet Diet, and it has changed my world. Eating chicken stew every day, stirring in Halo’s Dream Coat, and occasionally adding yogurt, alfalf, and liver, has filled her out beautifully. Flipper’s coat is starting to take on a beautiful sheen. He is stunning!
June 17th:
Ralph is my Basset/Lab mix (he looks like a lab until he stands up and nothing happens), and he simply adores puppies. Always has. When we go to the dog park, Gus, my Basset/Bulldog, runs and plays with the big dogs, but not Ralph. He seeks out the smallest dog and licks it to pieces. He should have been a girl! So here it is,the day before Fathers’ Day, and Ralph is in his element, playing with puppies. You’ll enjoy this!
June 26th:
I’m puppysitting GinGin and Caboose, two puppies that were born in my closet last June. I just love when I get to see my babies after they grow up. The haven’t been around whole lot of other dogs, so this has been a bit of a stretch for them. Dash (Caboose) can really run, and he and Flipper have really had fun dashing around the yard. I’m wondering if Flipper thinks he is a sheep……
July 5th Update:
Flipper is having a blast. Last week I started fostering Zeus the Chinese Crested. I’ll just say that Flipper finds him a little, um, confusing…. lol   But this morning Domino, Google and Goggle arrived. Flipper says, “That’s more like it!” They are having a blast. You’ll have to look at the new photos in his album, from this mornings play session in the morning dew. Flipper looks like he’s been swimming! Oh, I love puppies!!!

July 7th Updated:
Flipper is in love! And loved!!! Beth and Brian came in hopes of finding a playmate for Hobie, their Catahoula; he’s driving their Aussie nuts! It was a hard decision: all the puppies were on their best behavior, as cute as could be. When all was said and done, Beth narrowed it down to Goggles or Flipper, and Brian thought Domino or Flipper. Well, they split the difference, and Flipper it is! Personally, I knew it was going to be Flipper before they did. They were the first people who have come to visit that he didn’t wander away from. I love when our puppies “know” their families!