The Dog Liberator™

The Dog Liberator rescues abandoned dogs throughout the Southeast. Based in Central Florida, this non-profit organization fosters all of their dogs in a home environment. Founded in 2009, all dogs are fully vetted, spayed or neutered prior to adoption. The Dog Liberator focuses in rescuing the herding breed, which consists of Border Collies, Shepherds, Sheepdogs, Aussies, Collies, and Deaf/Blind Dogs.

Fergie the Aussie ~ Adopted

Fergie the Aussie ~ Adopted
Vicki took this wonderful photo of our little girl!

Just last month I fostered Gravy, a beautiful little puppy.  Wasn’t I surprised to be e-mailed a photo of a puppy that looked just like him!  I had to say yes.  Sherrie got her out and Vicki fostered her until we could arrange transportation.  By the time we did, Vicki had so fallen in love with this little girl that she cried when seeing her off.   I promised Vicki I’d take good care of little Fergie, that I even cook for my puppies.  Here is her response:

“You are a goddess! Fergie will love you! She does love her food! I almost named her Kirstie Alley because of it, lol!  I do love Fergie, thank you, and so relieved she is with you cause i know you are the puppy goddess! and she will be loved and taken care of.

Fergie doesn’t know she is small. She has a survivor spirit. Blue the great pyr puppy didn’t phase her. She just looked at him and said “Bring it!” Heights are no issue to her, she jumped off of everything i put her on, in other words Fergie says, “Don’t Fence Me In!”
Tell me this puppy isn't posing!!!

She would scream and pitch the biggest tantrum in the crate at first because she wanted to be with me. I did let her sleep with me….and I have a high bed but she did not attempt to move all night. Crate trained because that was my job and she was close to being potty trained. She knew enough to go to the door. Even in the barn rescue room she would go on the ledge of the door that led out to the play yard if she had to go.

Fergie considered dinner time a buffet. Every  meal she would eat hers and then begin sampling everyone elses, until someone protested and then she would cry like a baby.  Just a baby, but trying to be tough and independent in spite of what she had been through.
Fergie is hard and soft at the same time. Big and small. Joyfully running across the play yard, jumping off of benches onto someone, then quickly hiding under the bench. The funniest thing was her hiding under what used to be part of a horse jump that was a castle wall, Blue, the pyr pup, would grab her tail and pull her out as she loudly protested.
She would sit in my lap and watch t.v.  Even sit in my lap at the computer and watch intently. and type some too!
I guess i just loved her spirit. kiss her good night for me! sniff….
Posing with Caitlin

Thank you!  ~ Vicki”

Well, I couldn’t say it better!  Vicki describes this pumpkin perfectly.  I discovered her ability to jump from heights within an hour of arrival. Near ‘nuf gave me heart failure!  lol  We think she is an Australian Shepherd.  She may have a touch of husky in her (but then, I’ve been seeing husky everywhere lately!).  I estimate that she was born in late March.  You can see numerous photos of her in her photo album.
Fergie is being fostered in Winter Park, Florida.  If you think you might be interested in giving Fergie a home, please read my puppy tips first.  Then, review our adoption process and then e-mail me at  .  Thanks!

May 27th Update:

Fergie going home with Joanna

Fergie went home today, and I couldn’t be happier. Why? Because she was adopted by the wonderful Joanna, who also adopted my Lexie and Ariel. When she first e-mailed me about Fergie, I thought she was joking, because Fergie reminds me of Lexie in so many ways. Their personalities are spot on! And just like Lexie, when Joanna sat on the floor of my living room, Fergie ran right over and sat in her lap. She hasn’t done that with any other potential adopter. Once again, the puppy knew her family! Yay!!!

Before Joanna was allowed to leave with Fergie, of course, the other puppies had to maul her.  My reaction?  To grab my camera of course!


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