Lewis, the Heart of a Champion

Lewis’ story and Pickle’s adoption (now Libby) touched many of us. I asked Brittney Meyers to use her magic and create a piece of art for Anna and Scott, as a gift from The Dog Liberator, honoring this family, and their devotion to their pack.

Original Post:
You may remember Anna and Scott; last November they adopted my Pickle, one of Lyra’s puppies. People questioned why I put a puppy on an airplane and flew her to British Columbia, Canada, to someone I didn’t now. Lewis was the reason. When Anna shared his story, I knew that they would love and care for my puppy for the rest of her life.
Lewis was Anna and Scott’s 11-year-old dog, a former agility champ who was diagnosed with a degenerative spine condition when he was six. Rather than euthanize, as recommended by vets, they decided to put wheels on their boy to see how he would do.

Lewis adjusted just fine. He led an active life, accompanied them to agility competitions (now a cheerleader for the rest of the family), on camping trips, to the beach,…. yes, just about everywhere. He inspired the hearts of many with his happy attitude and his can-do spirit. He left a trail of joy where every he went.
Yesterday Lewis passed away, wrapped in Anna’s arms and secure in the love of his family.
I share Lewis’ story because, well, life happens. The story of our life rarely unfolds the way we expect it to. How we respond to challenges both reveals and builds our character. Anna and Scott did not take the expedient way out when Lewis was diagnosed with a degenerative disease. They chose the harder route, but were rewarded with years of love. Lewis, in return, not only lived a full life but inspired others as well. Perhaps he was at his most inspirational, not when he was performing to applause on the field, but instead when he was moving gently tethered to a wheelchair. There are lessons to be learned in the story of Lewis. In the meanwhile, Anna and Scott, we send you our love and wishes that your tears will soon be wiped away by happy memories.

Lewis January 1999-October 27, 2011
“…Grieve not,
nor speak of me with tears,
but laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you…
I loved you so –
’twas heaven here with you.”
-Isla Paschal Richardson