Our Second Annual Reunion
- By: The Dog Liberator
- On:

November 6, 2011 Update: I want to thank everyone who attended our reunion, at one point it seemed like there may have been 150 people who attended, and at least that many dogs… maybe watching them run around and around a few times made it hard for me to count! We all had wonderful reunions with dogs, their new families, their rescuers and fosters. I enjoyed having Mr. Breeze follow me around all day! It’s really nice to be remembered after a year apart!
Earl Grey and Bowie had meets during the reunion and were both adopted shortly after!
Over the next few days, we will be providing photo albums of the event to share. For now, here’s a few for you to enjoy, taken by Olivia Frost
Gisele’s photo album
Here’s a video of Dawn & Ron Sweeney’s new invention, Goin’ fishing for dogs!
Here’s a sneak peek of Andrea’s disc performance!
June 14th:

I just got off the phone with the Keesha, the Park and Rec representative for Winter Park. And guess what! I was able to reserve the large pavilion at Fleet People’s Dog Park for our reunion on November 5th! Oh, if you haven’t been there, you are in for a treat! The 13 acres of fenced in property include a lovely beach, huge shady oak trees, two dog washing stations, a building with restrooms (thank goodness) and numerous picnic tables. We have the largest pavilion that includes about 10 tables. There are a couple of grills and even a drinking fountain right by it. I’ve posted a bunch of photos in this photo album and please RSVP on Facebook! We have reserved the pavilion for the entire day. We hope to start as early as 11:00 AM, but realize that many of you won’t be arriving until after Noon. We can stay until the park closes at sundown! Good idea to have your dog’s rabies tag on him just in case someone asks.
If you don’t want to drive home the same day, there are two La Quinta hotels in the area. La Quinta doesn’t charge extra for dogs in your room. There is one by UCF and one by the airport. The published cost of a room is usually lower at the airport location.

We’re notching things up this year by having some workshops, perhaps on dog training, nutrition, agility, disc dogging,…. Lynn of StarSparks Gems has already confirmed that she will be there with a display! She’ll have samples of her custom Dog Liberator jewelry line ~ the Border Collie charms, necklaces and bracelets.
Olivia Frost will be providing photo shoots with Holiday props for you and your pooch!
Ben Dehart, who adopted our Catfish, will be attending and will have some of his CDs available for purchase. Known as “the Florida Cracker”, Ben’s music style has a flavor of country with a hat tip to Florida’s history.
Gisele was thinking to have the event catered, but I’m more of a picnic style girl. Everyone pack a lunch, bring your favorite drinks, and if you want to bring a snack or something sweet to share, that would be awesome!

Please RSVP on the Facebook Event Page, and then add a comment indicating the name of your dog. That way, someone with a littermate might decide to come too! How cool would that be!?!
2:00 PM – Paul Pipitone of Dogs Best Friend of Central Florida will be giving us a training session
3:00 PM – Mary Baker will be giving us an introduction to Agility
4:00 PM – Andi Brown, author of The Whole Pet Diet, will be doing a book signing and answering questions about your pet’s health too! Plus – she’ll be giving out some yummy food and snacks!
5:00 PM – Andrea & Jason Rigler will be giving us an intro to Disc (competitive Frisbee)
I hope you are as excited as I am about this event. I think that it is fairly centrally located for our adopters, the temperature under the trees should be perfect, and the park itself is divine for dogs! Here is a map and directions to the park.
So get out your calendar and a pen (not a pencil!) and mark your calendar. November 5th. It’ll be grand!
10/03/11 Update: I visited the park yesterday and it’s huge! Many tables are available under the pavilions.
One thing we discussed was food! I’m glad we voted against grilling and serving a feast, because some of the dogs will actually jump up on the picnic tables. I found my China up on the table when a male dog kept trying to hump her! So when bringing your lunch, keep it in a cooler, and take out what you can eat! These dogs think that everything should be shared!
I plan on making sandwiches and cutting them up into single serving snacks!
The park is gorgeous, the dogs just love it and I’m really hoping that if you haven’t already, RSVP and comment on our Facebook Event Page. Let us know you’re coming so we can alert your dog’s litter mates, and fosters!
October 29th Update:
Hi everyone!
I will be covering photography for the reunion, which I am so looking forward to. Make sure you swing by our little corner of the shindig to get a photo taken of you and your TDL alumni! We’ll have both a winter and autumn set up available, so be sure to bring any holiday-themed wardrobe items (for you OR the dogs!) you would like to use in your photos. We will also have a non-themed setting if that is your preference.
Prints and holiday cards featuring your photos will be available, and we will have order forms on site, so you can place an order right away if you would like to. Proofs will also be available online after the reunion, so you can preview your photos before ordering any prints. If you want cards in time for Christmas, make sure you order before November 19th!
See you all there,
Olivia Frost
Whose Coming?
Attending will be some of our dogs who are still waiting for their forever family. Make sure you meet them so you can help by going to their webpage and sharing your thoughts about them. And who knows? Maybe one of them will fit into your life perfectly! We expect to have in attendance:
Justice Colby Jack Caylee Sundance
Memphis Delilah Lady Melbourne Nick-O-Time
Looking at the RSVPs on the Event page, here are at least some of the dogs who are bringing their people to the reunion:
Kakaruk, KauKau and KaiKai Banjo, Bingo, Bongo and Butterbean PawPaw
Weeble, Wobble and Wannabee Froggy, Flipper and Fiddle Rowdy
Dilly, Boomer, Pepper and Drummer Taffy, Toffee, TicTac, Twister and Twinkie Cricket
Eclipse Tweet Jedediah Peekaboo and Piccolo Fitz Finnegan
Sierra and Possum KitKat Whiskey Jingle Boscoe
Cheez-It Emmitt and Shiloh Catfish Spike Sweet Pea
Sunbeam and Samson Shenandoah Falcor and Irwin Gisele
Bling and Noah George Patton, Stonewall Jackson and Coco Chanel
Miss Congeniality Halo and Helo Hodgepodge and Hopper Tucker
Maureen’s Hope Velveteen Billy Joel Fonzie
Saffron and Sage Chloe Lady Luck and Joker Denver and Durango
Derby Grits Rusty Priscilla Ryder
5 thoughts on “Our Second Annual Reunion”
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Can’t Wait! I’m good at desserts so if you give me a head count i can make some killer cake or cookies or pie. (maybe i’ll learn how to make some dog friendly ones too!)
Devastated! I was watching for when this was so we could bring Brody, but we’ll be on a cruise the first weekend in November (bummer, right, lol) so we won’t be able to make it. 🙁 I’m totally bummed out! We’ll watch for the next one though….
I also am totally bummed that you guys aren’t coming! That just means you absolutely have to come to the next one. I’m pretty sure it’s in the contract. 😉
Buster/Odo/bogie/sullins and I will be there.
We plan on coming with Star (Butterbean). Looking forward to seeing her siblings!